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Buzzing With Electricity:

Electrostatic Pollen Transfer (2 - 5)

The focus of the lesson will be on #LifeSciences, #Ecology and #Physics principles.

In this hands-on activity, students will explore the magical world of electrostatic forces by simulating how insects like bees and butterflies transfer pollen between flowers. Using balloons, tissue paper, and a bit of friction, they’ll discover how static electricity helps pollinators pick up and move pollen without even touching the flowers! This fun, interactive lesson will help students understand the power of electric charges in nature and the important role they play in pollination.

Approximate time needed: 45 min

NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards)

3-PS2-3: Forces and Interactions

  • Performance Expectation: Ask questions to determine the cause-and-effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with each other.

3-PS2-4: Forces and Interactions

  • Performance Expectation: Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about magnets and electric forces.

LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms

  • Disciplinary Core Idea: Reproduction is essential to the continuation of every species. Pollination is a key mechanism for flowering plants.

(MDE) College- and Career-Readiness Science Standards (CCRS)

Grade 3 Science Standards

3.PS2.1: Forces and Motion

  • Performance Expectation: Investigate how objects interact with one another based on electric charge and friction.

3.LS1.1: Structure and Function

  • Performance Expectation: Explore how organisms' structures help them perform functions, particularly how insects are adapted to collect and transfer pollen.

3.ESS2.4: Earth's Systems

  • Performance Expectation: Understand the role of forces like gravity and electric charge in natural phenomena.

Applicable Grade Ranges: 

Grade 3: The lesson aligns well with the NGSS and Mississippi CCRS standards for 3rd-grade science, particularly focusing on forces, motion, and structures in organisms. 

Grade 4: The lesson could be adapted for 4th graders as well, especially for those exploring more detailed concepts of electric forces, matter, and energy. The activity can be enhanced with deeper investigations into how electrostatics affects ecological processes. 

Grade 5: This lesson might need slight adjustments for more advanced students like 5th graders. They can explore the basics of electrostatic forces and discuss real-world applications of how these forces influence ecosystems, like pollination. 

Additional Notes: 

Grade 2: With simplified explanations or a stronger focus on hands-on demonstration, 2nd graders could engage with this activity, particularly through interactive simulations of the pollination process. 

For older middle school students, this lesson could serve as an introductory or review activity to reinforce the concepts of electrostatic charge, forces, and ecosystems, though the complexity would need to be increased for them to reach deeper conceptual understanding. 

What Comes with The Lesson?

  • Video Lesson (4:17 min)

    Video about electrostatic pollen transfer

  • Student Handout

    Accompanies Video Lesson on Electrostatic Pollen Transfer

  • Teacher Key

    Answer key to student handout

  • Lesson Plan and Materials List Bundle

  • Materials List

    Attn teachers: This lesson only requires plastic combs or balloons, small bits of paper, plastic cups, and something wool (like an old sweater)

  • Video Lesson (3 min)

    Describes the physics of how the activity/experiment works


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