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Atomic Bonding & Marshmallow Madness

This lesson integrates hands-on learning with conceptual understanding, effectively addressing the standards through a combination of hands-on modeling and reference to the periodic table, which together make abstract chemistry concepts more concrete and engaging while helping students gain a deeper understanding of atomic structure and atomic bonding.

Approximate time needed: 30-minute lesson + 30-minute activity.

Standards MS CCRS P.6.6, P.7.5C.1, P.7.5C.3, P.7.5C.4, P.7.5C.6, P.7.5C, BIO 2.2, BIO 2.3, CHE.2, CHE.3, CHE.3.1, CHE.4

What Comes with The Lesson?

  • Video Lesson

  • Materials List

  • Lesson Plan

  • Handouts

    Blank Atom Templates

  • Post-activity Assessment

    A quick check of student understanding

  • Periodic Table

    Downloadable Periodic Tables for reference


6 - 9 Request - Cellular Constituents and Functions


7 - 9 Request - Protein Synthesis & Gene Expression