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Atomic Bonding & Marshmallow Madness
This lesson integrates hands-on learning with conceptual understanding, effectively addressing the standards through a combination of hands-on modeling and reference to the periodic table, which together make abstract chemistry concepts more concrete and engaging while helping students gain a deeper understanding of atomic structure and atomic bonding.
Approximate time needed: 30-minute lesson + 30-minute activity.
Standards MS CCRS P.6.6, P.7.5C.1, P.7.5C.3, P.7.5C.4, P.7.5C.6, P.7.5C, BIO 2.2, BIO 2.3, CHE.2, CHE.3, CHE.3.1, CHE.4
What Comes with The Lesson?
Video Lesson
Materials List
Lesson Plan
Blank Atom Templates
Post-activity Assessment
A quick check of student understanding
Periodic Table
Downloadable Periodic Tables for reference