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How Does Your Brain Control Your Body?

G 3 - 8

Students complete the “Think Fast!” activity to explore the brain’s role in receiving information from the senses, processing that information, and controlling the muscles to enable movement.

Standards: MS CCRS: L.4.1, L.6.1, NGSS: 4-PS4-3, 5-PS1-4

Approximate time needed: 1 hour

This lesson plan incorporates hands-on learning, scientific exploration, and interactive assessments to help students better understand how the brain works in response to stimuli and how reaction time can be improved.

#NervousSystem #ReactionTime #BrainFunction

What Comes with The Lesson?

  • 7 min Video Lesson

    Cool Brain Facts

  • Materials List

  • Lesson Plan

  • Handouts

    Think Fast Activity Sheet

    Brain Coloring Sheets

  • Assessment

    Post-Activity Brain Facts Crossword Puzzle Assessment Sheet (and key)


3 - 5 Request - Shark Teeth


3 - 8 Request - Owl Pellets