Buzzing with Electricity:
Electrostatic Pollen Transfer
G 2 - 5
How bees and butterflies pick up and transfer pollen through electrostatic attraction.
Welcome! We hope you find everything you need here to have a great STEM Lesson! Please let us know if you have any questions.
The focus of the lesson will be on #LifeSciences, #Ecology and #Physics principles.
In this hands-on activity, students will explore the magical world of electrostatic forces by simulating how insects like bees and butterflies transfer pollen between flowers. Using balloons, tissue paper, and a bit of friction, they’ll discover how static electricity helps pollinators pick up and move pollen without even touching the flowers! This fun, interactive lesson will help students understand the power of electric charges in nature and the important role they play in pollination.
Approximate time needed: 45 min
NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) - 3-PS2-3, 3-PS2-4, LS1.B
MDE College- and Career-Readiness Science Standards (CCRS) - 3.PS2.1, 3.LS1.1, 3.ESS2.4
Science Video (4:17min)
Student Worksheet to Accompany Science Video
Worksheet Key for Teachers
Video Explaining Physics Concepts of Activity (3 min)
Download Lesson Plan and Materials List for Classroom Activity
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