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Using Dichotomous Keys to Identify Organisms

(G 5 - 8)

In this interactive lesson, students will learn how to use dichotomous keys, a tool used by scientists to identify organisms based on observable traits. Through hands-on activities and a video demonstration, students will practice creating and using dichotomous keys to classify various organisms. They will also explore the importance of accurate observation in scientific classification and understand how dichotomous keys are used to differentiate species.


MCCRS: L.6.4.1, L.6.4.2, MS-LS4-1, MS-LS4-2; NGSS Standards: MS-LS1-3, MS-LS2-4

Time Requirements:

Total Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

Students will leave with a solid understanding of how dichotomous keys are used to classify organisms and the importance of accurate observation in scientific inquiry.

Scroll Down to the bottom of the page to see all the great things that are included in this lesson!

What Comes with The Lesson?

  • Short Educational Video

    Short Educational Video

    2:36 min video demonstration on using dichotomous keys

  • Materials List

  • Lesson Plan

  • Classroom Handout

    Classroom Practice Sheet

    Class practice sheet for identifying organisms

  • Teacher Guide

    Example guide for teachers on how to use a make/use a dichotomous key

  • Example Animal Pictures for Key

    Photos to use for making a key


5 - 8 Request Thermodynamics (Build a Bottle Thermometer)


5 - 8 Request Microplastics