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Small Trouble, BIG Impact!
Time to take out the trash!
Join us in an investigation of marine debris and its impact on the marine environment
Approximate time needed: 45-60 minutes
Standards MS CCRS: L.5.3B, E.5.10, L.6.3, L.7.3, E.8.10
This hands-on lesson approach helps students visualize the difficulty marine animals face in differentiating between food and debris, and it reinforces the idea that even small plastics (microplastics) can be harmful to animals and ecosystems.
Self-Guided Format:
This lesson is fully self-guided, allowing you to go at your own pace, providing flexibility to work through the material and classroom activities as needed. Whether you prefer to break up the lesson over multiple sessions or dive in all at once, this format gives you complete control to engage your students at your convenience. This lesson is a great addition for teachers doing a unit on environmental education, marine biology, and conservation efforts.
Scroll Down to the bottom of the page to see all the great things that are included in this lesson!
#Ecology #MarineBiology #ConservationEducation
#MarineEcosystem #FoodChain #EnvironmentalScience
What Comes with The Lesson?
Short Educational Video
YouTube video on “The Hidden Dangers of Plastics Pollution for Marine Animals”
Materials List
Lesson Plan
Baby Sea Turtle picture
For classroom activity
Baby Sea Bird picture
For classroom activity
Baby Fish picture
For classroom activity