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“Tastebud Tango”
Investigate Your Sense of Taste!
Taste is one of the five senses. Exploring the sense of taste and how it helps us identify and make observations is a key component of science. Because science requires us to make skillful observations using our senses, students need to fully understand the five senses before moving on to other science lessons. This lesson will help students become fully aware of their sense of taste, the part of their body they use to taste and learn a little about their taste buds using the activities in this fun and tasty lesson.
Approximate time needed: 1 hour
MSCCR Science Standards: L.K.1B, L.K.1B.1, L.K.1B.2, L.3.1, L.3.1.1
Scroll down to see all the fun things that are included in this lesson!
What Comes with The Lesson?
Video Lesson
21-minute video lesson
Materials List
Activity uses standard classroom or kitchen items, downloadable handouts and familiar foods that can be brought to class.
Lesson Plan
PDF format
PDF format and teacher key
Worksheet 1
Match & Map Activity
Worksheet 2
Blind Taste Test Activity
Worksheet 3
Dry Tongue Experiment
Worksheet 4
Smell/Taste Experiment